Here we go again! The next step too Healing.

On January 12th 2021 Mark Rutte (the Dutch prime minister) held another press conference to establish what the next few weeks would look like. The Dutch nation was hoping for some good news as this lockdown (established on the 18th of December 2020) was almost coming to a close: unfortunately it was announced that the lockdown would be extended by three weeks. Making the new date to look forward to February 9th.

A number of other things were mentioned as changes that will be taking place during this lockdown period. The mention of a (not confirmed) curfew, to help diminish the chances of large group meetings. A new implementation of large group testing and new testing groups such as middle schools and primary schools.

The most concerning thing about the present lockdown is the new threat of the new British corona variant. A threat that has everyone concerned for the success of the new vaccination process. Another thing that keeps us from continuing what used to be our normal lives is the fact there is only a very slow decrease in the number of positive tests that appear each day. Today alone there was a report of over 5000 positive tests.

So… what is next? And how can we continue to heal? Of course we must continue to follow the guidelines that have been set in place. We must make sure that we are getting tested when needed and staying indoors when we can. However, we must also plan for the future. Our hope lies within it, and so do the success we can continue to have after. People and business alike. Coseco is thinking of the future continuously. For example, the Bouncer our solution to crowd management during this period: or the hygiene coach that helps control temperatures to avoid the spreading of this virus.

We will be able to get back to what we once knew and we hope to help make that transition easier.